Further News


Last-minute boarding places

The school year has just started and your child realises that, like some of his or her classmates, he or she would have liked to go abroad. You are welcome to spontaneously apply for a stay in England during this school year. Some English schools still have places available at short notice.

We will be happy to advise you.


How to prepare for your start at boarding school

The start of term in September is fast approaching and the excitement is mounting! What an adventure: new school, new country, new culture, new language and of course… all those new faces! All our pupils find themselves in exactly the same situation and rest assured, most settle into boarding school-life in Britain within a few days or weeks.  This is in no small part due to the excellent preparation for new starters provided by the schools, supported of course by their families. That includes help with administrative hurdles and packing lists, as well as making sure that children feel emotionally ready to take this big step. 

In our webinar "Packing up and Settling in: How to Prepare for your Start at Boarding School" last year, our guests shared tips that are still relevant. 

See our webinar recording: https://vimeo.com/565575630/b0dace406a

Top Tips for Joining a British Boarding School



IB results 2022 published

Results are now available online for all IB students who took their final exams in May this year:

How to get results - Diploma Programme - International Baccalaureate

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